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I usually discard photographs with lens flare but I like this happy accident. I was photographing in infrared and panning the turkey buzzard when it happened to fly near the sun.

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It has been many years since I created infrared images. I recently got the urge to take black and white IR images. The good thing about Infrared is that It likes high noon sunny days when I would not normally take photographs.

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I always make my trips from Nantucket to Middlebury Vermont in the winter and early spring. This time I made the trip in summer. What a difference. Shrubs, bushes and growth everywhere. From a photographic viewpoint I prefer the landscapes with frost and mist. I hope my schedule will allow for a late fall and fall visits

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Furling the topsail on the Shenandoah. No safety harness, only a foot rope. Old sailor's saying "One hand for yourself, one hand for the ship".

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I spent 4 days on the square topsail schooner Shenandoah. She was built in 1964. She is108 foot  with no auxiliary power. Her hull form, rig, anchors and all materials of construction closely adhere to 19 century practices.

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Photography is all about Light. What fascinated me on my first summer visit to the Lofoten Islands, Norway was the fact that the sun did not set. It approached the horizon but did not sink below it. This photograph was taken close to 1:00 am.

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Windy Day

Windy Day

Nantucket is an island in the Atlantic 30 miles away from the mainland USA. As a result it is often subjected to very high winds. With a video camera it is relatively easy to capture the motion and sound of the ocean waves; the howl of the wind. But I have always found it much more difficult  to capture all this with a still photograph. I tried to capture some of this in the attached photograph. By capturing a cresting wave with the wind blowing a spray off the top I hope I captured an indication of the wind strength.

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Celestial navigation

Celestial navigation

I tried photographing the night sky for the first time this week. I learnt a lot. I need to explore during the day for interesting objects that I can use as foreground. I decided to invert a photograph of a sailboat and merge it with the star shot.

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Great Point Lighthouse

Great Point Lighthouse

I have photographed this lighthouse many times but never from this viewpoint. Many thanks to John Beale who took me on my first circumnavigation of Nantucket island. Its surprising how few seals are on the beach. In winter the whole beach is covered with seals

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Snow Ruts on the Moors

Snow Ruts on the Moors

I was disappointed with the first snowfall for this year (see my last blog), But I did not wish for Storm Juno . I tried to photograph the Nantucket moors two days later but I got stuck in the snow before I got very far. The undercarriage of my jeep could not clear the snowdrifts. This is somewhat an isolated spot, not a good place to get stuck. I managed to showel my way out after much hard work. The only photograph I got was this one.

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